How to Choose the Right Cat Scratching Post

Did you know that scratching is central to cat health? While not always desirable, the instinct to scratch deserves a place in their routine, lifestyle, and environment. We’re not suggesting cat owners sacrifice their drapes or upholstery. On the contrary, with thoughtfully-placed scratching posts around the house, cats can be encouraged to focus their behavior in certain spots. But choosing the right cat scratching post(s) may be harder than it seems.


Why Is It Important to Walk Your Dog Regularly?

Woman in the city walking her dog.

Walking your dog several times daily provides one obvious benefit. By giving him plenty of chances to pee and poop, he’s less likely to do his business in your house. However, you may not realize that walking your dog also delivers important health benefits. Regular walks can also help your dog to become better socialized.


What’s Better: Wet or Dry Dog Food?

Poodle dog eating wet food instead of the dry food

We know how overwhelming it can be to choose between the vast array of dog food at any given supermarket or pet store. What might taste great to them might not necessarily meet their nutritional needs. Conversely, what’s best for their life stage might not turn on their taste buds. Dog owners have to contend with the pros and cons of wet food and dry kibble. Don’t worry, your friends at South Seminole Animal Hospital can help you choose.


Preventing Diabetes in Pets Is Possible

Miniature bull terrier with a diabetes monitoring kit.

Diabetes in pets is a common disease that requires careful attention. Some breeds may be genetically predisposed to diabetes, but most cases can be prevented with a proactive approach with both diet and exercise. Pet diabetes can be treatable and oftentimes successfully managed.

Routine Care
