Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Furry Family Members

As a pet owner, you’ve likely heard about the importance of spaying and neutering for dogs and cats. These surgeries prevent unwanted litters and help to reduce pet overpopulation. But did you know that there are even more benefits to expect from spaying and neutering pets? Discover some of the health benefits associated with spaying and neutering surgery for cats and dogs:
Decreased Risk of Mammary Cancer and Uterine Infections
Spay surgery helps female pets live longer, healthier lives by decreasing risk of developing a variety of cancers and uterine infections. On average these conditions are fatal in 50% of female dogs and 90% of female cats. Research shows that spayed female dogs and cats live longer than their non-spayed counterparts.
Improved Testicular Health
Neutering surgery for dogs and neutering surgery for cats provides similar health benefits for males. These procedures prevent the risk of testicular cancer, helping to avoid this potentially fatal condition altogether. Neutering also lowers dogs’ and cats’ chances of developing enlarged prostate glands that can lead to infections and issues with their bowel movements.
Better Behavior
While spaying and neutering cats and dogs won’t change who they are, it may help improve poor behaviors. Aggression is common in animals when they are in heat, and some animals are more likely to act out, bite, and behave in other inappropriate ways when they experience these feelings. This behavior is a safety hazards for your pet when they are around other animals and people, putting the health of your animals and others at risk.
Male and female dogs and cats mark their territory with urine. Hormones in unaltered pets cause the urine to smell more and pushes them to mark more frequently and in more locations. Neutering and spaying your cat and dog will reduce this desire and if done before the development of certain hormones, eliminate these thoughts altogether.
Lowered Chance of Roaming
Unaltered pets are driven by their desire to find a mate. This desire pushes them to roam away from their homes, putting them at risk for injury or worse. When pets escape from home, they have a higher risk of getting hit by cars, hurt by other animals, or lost and unable to find their way back. Spaying and neutering surgery for dogs and cats eliminates the desire to roam to find a mate.
When to Spay and Neuter
In most cases the answer is four to six months old for both cats and dogs. Larger breeds and those known for muscle tone may elect to wait until six to eight months. It is best to consult your veterinarian during your pet’s puppy and kitten vaccine appointments in order to develop a plan.
If you are ready to schedule spaying and neutering in Casselberry, Florida for your pet or just have additional questions, you can contact South Seminole Animal Hospital. Call us today at (407) 831‑5205 to learn about our surgery options for spaying and neutering. Surgery estimates require a physical exam of your pet by one of our knowledgeable doctors to evaluate and determine if any health concerns need additional consideration.